The Worlds First Laptop

Posted by Saram RajPooT | 11:16 AM | , , , | 0 comments »

The worlds first laptop looked a little different than the ones we’re used to today.

The Osbourne 1, introduced to the world April 1981 boasted a 5 inch monitor, 64k of RAM, dual 5-1/4 inch, 91K floppy drives, weighed in at 24.5 pounds and had a sticker price of only $1795.00. A steal, considering it came bundled with over $1500 worth of cutting edge software (circa 1981).

Available options were a 300 baud modem and an optional double density disk drives (for which an extra circuit board had to be installed) .

The Osbourne 1 was quite a hit and a brisk seller, reaching monthly sales of over $1,000,000 in September of that year.

Ok, laptop is probably not the word to use when describing this thing